Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ask a Drunk Guy

I’m going to be resurrecting Ask a Drunk Guy very soon.  So if you have any questions either post them here or email me at with them and I’ll answer them the next time I’m shitfaced drunk.

New Identities and Lojack

Fell asleep yesterday before I got a blog written so today is the extra special just like every other day edition.

Got my bike parts ordered last night, after spending a shitpot of money(1300 dollars to be exact) but when I’m done I’ll have a damn near brand new setup on the bike.  New Pipes, New seat, engine guard, highway pegs, new grips, and throttle boss.

If you’re gonna be a bear be a grizzly.

On another note, there’s a new thing in google maps call latitude. Few people at work have been playing with it today and its cool its like friend lojack, and it ties into google maps so its easier to work with, without all the trouble we had with loopt.

Only things with it, you have to have a gmail account so go set one up, and then it works with the blackberries and on igoogle on the computer.  So what does that mean you ask?

It means if you have an iphone…then you can suck it because blackberry has you beat on this one.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Stoppable Force Meets the Movable Object

So I solved the case of the kidnapped coat today. It was my coat I left in logan during ride time for cct class and then about a week after class ended finally picked it up from logan....then forgot it in the cct truck. So after receiving a well written ransom note I finally orchestrated a trade off and was reunited with my jacket.

On the 90 degree day.

But I digress...the main point of the blog is today is those calls that you just have to chuckle at the strangeness of it. We had a call with two patients, a father and son, who were playing softball. Both dive for a catch and run into each other, ones knee hits the other in the head and knock him out and both collapse. One has an open compound leg break and the other had a broken toe bad enough the entire foot had swollen up. Which led me to giving the most morphine I'd given to a patient(he was the one with the leg break) and I was impressed he was still awake but I probably would be too in that case. Nevertheless the guy was a trooper about it even as we immobilized his leg and all that.

I was impressed.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009


I got to spend most of the day riding my bike.  I managed to spend about 6 and a half hours or so in the seat..and have decided I need to buy a backrest and highway pegs. LOL

Two of the things that I love to do are Scuba dive and ride my motorcycle. These are what I call Zen activities because the performance of them requires a focus unto itself and you’re in an almost meditative state.   Thats how today was, I rode all day in the sun, but when I got back to the house I was tired but refreshed at the same time.  Something about the wind in my ears that helps to clear my head(that is until a rock flies in my nose like today)

However…must order a backrest and highway pegs in the next couple days.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Some days you can't finish anything

Not much to write about today. I've been at work and its been a day of incompletes. Couldn't finish a nap. Couldn't finish a poo. Couldn't finish a movie. Couldn't finish a meal.

Had a sad moment with an autistic patient. Her parents had called because they said she had gotten violent and they didn't know what to do. Seems to me they'd reached their wits end and didn't have any more ideas. The girl, sensing this, was even more stressed about the whole thing and that made her act out more. Once we had her in the back she calmed down a bit but still would shout out for her mom...who was behind us in her car. It was sad

And my mind kinda just spaced out and I lost my train of thought...can't even finish a blog today.


13 Personal Heroes in no Particular Order

There may be some typos in here or disjointed words, I’m finishing this while I’m very tired so I’ll look at it later to see if I’ve messed something up, probably the history stuff lol.

As always, I welcome your comments, they’re better than anything I can write.


1. Teddy Roosevelt – One of the greatest presidents in US history. He was a rough rider, then rode into Mexico, later became president and used his gruff mindset across the world but he made a difference with it.

2. Mr. K – One of the best businessmen to learn from. I covered him in a business class and he really made an impression on me. He owns a pharmaceutical company, and ran his business that everyone was in business together so you take care of people. When one of his salesman came back and had negotiated a very severe contract with a supplier he made him go back, apologize, and renegotiate it with better terms for the other company.  Later when there was a shortage his company was the only one to get their supplies from them.  All business should take a page from the book of Mr. K.

3. Warren Buffett – The greatest investor in the world. He’s very careful and researches all his companies, as such his company has lost some money in the stock market but compared to other investment firms they’ve not lost much at all.

4. My Grandfather – He instilled the love of the law in me and although he was truly a workaholic, he always made sure his family was provided for and past up some amazing opportunities because he could make more money for his family in private practice.

5.  Napoleon – He had one of history’s most well known battle plan and one that I practice in my day to day life.  It was a two part plan.  First, we show up….then we see what happens.

6. Takamori Saigo – He was the samurai that the Katsumodo from ‘The Last Samurai’ who led an uprising against the government of Japan

7. Mr. T...because he pities the fool

8. The 47 Ronin – They show just what a group of people who are devoted to revenge can do.  It’s a great story read about it.

9. Rip Torn – Because his name is awesome

10.  Oliver Cromwell – From a nobody who lucked into the parliament to Lord Protector of England.  And a man who so infuriated the opposition that after he died and they returned to power they had his corpse dug up from Westminster Abbey, executed(so to speak), then put his head on a pike outside of the hall.  Not to mention Monty Python did a really funny song about him.

11. T. Boone Pickens – The man had an idea and absolutely would not keep quiet about it until everyone heard it.  The politicians may have not a care about his energy plan…but they had to say something about it and most of them had to meet with him.  Only a crazy Texas billionaire has that kind of mentality.

12. Dad – He’s inspired my love of business and values, taught me that doing a good thing for others is better than anything you can ever do for yourself.  But he’s also taught me from his mistakes, to always spend time with family and to cherish the time we have because we never know when it will run out.

13. Kim – Ever my protector, Kim did anything she could through her short life to help me, right down to when I was in the hospital as an infant she put her plush dog in the crib with me so I wouldn’t be alone…I still have that dog and I think about it often.

Now its your turn…what are some of your heroes and why?

Friday, April 24, 2009

You can’t even avoid the telemarketers on Mount Everest!

I read today that Nepal Telecom is planning to put cell service on Mount Everest, which means that one of the most severe climates on this earth, you can still get a call asking you to change your long distance provider.  Not that they still do that much but its the first one that came to mind…I think the new equivalent would be that your car warranty is almost up and you need to renew through them.

Seriously, is it really necessary to get service on Mount Everest?  One would think that you would be more task oriented about not fucking running out of air and dying than the need to check your email or voicemail. Aside from that, I’ve got friends that live in the city in Baltimore and DC that barely get service in their own apartments, you’d think we should probably work on the more populated parts of the world first before we try the outer limits. Boulders don’t make phone calls.

Not even the really smart ones.

Another thing that I noticed today is the in Japan the unemployment rate is at its highest point at 4.4% so they’ve begun extreme measures to get it down.  Their solution is to offer a buyout of sorts.  For those of Japanese origin but were born abroad(called nikkei) they’re giving $3,000 to move away.  The first thought that occurred to me is what a great problem it is if you’re unemployment rate just spiked to 4.4%!  Here in the US recent numbers show almost 9% of people are unemployed, in WV its only 7.7%, I assume because we were behind to begin with this recession is only recently hitting us.

Now to the other point…they’re paying off people to leave the country, not that I’m against the idea mind you, I happen to think its a good one, but Japans an island country, I don’t think a paltry $3,000 would do it…now here on the otherhand…


What do you all think? Should we be paying off people to leave the country? And what about cell service on Mt. Everest?  There goes my plan of going crazy and starting mountain climbing to avoid the phone…now I just have skydiving.

Don’t forget to comment thats where the best parts of a blog come into play!

Also, special thank you to Freakanomics, I don’t know how to tag properly yet…I got a lot of the information from this on there and it’s a great read if you’ve never seen it before.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Test 4

Test 4
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Test 3, I’ll get it working sometime

Test number 3

Test blog

Test blog for twitterfeed
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Achievements, Rain, and Deep Thoughts

Gonna be a short one today, haven’t had much to write on still working on the writing every day thing.

I passed the CCT test! Got a 95 on it, I heard it was the highest in the class but I’m not certain whether it was or not, but usually the grapevine is pretty accurate. I’ll probably have a hand running some of the cct calls now so I’m looking forward to that as soon as I can.

Finally got to get back on the bike too, it’d been forever…still runs well and learned some new tricks in that motorcycle course…Looking forward to the warmer weather..pricing crash bars, highway pegs, and a backrest too so I can ride long ass distances again.

Also side thought…had something come up today I didn’t expect to hear…not sure what to do about that one yet…didn’t think it would happen…still don’t know if it would happen…don’t know how it would go if it did happen.

How’s it gonna be

So I had another therapy session today and it gave me an idea.  I’m going to take the blogging idea and grab it by the horns so to speak.  Starting…well today with this one…I’m going to write something in my blog every day…I don’t have a minimum amount but every day it will be something.

Another thing, every friday I will be posting 13 things on whatever topic I come up with that week…I welcome all help and ideas with that, as well as any blog ideas you may have or anything you’re curious about for my point of view.

So until Next time….

Sunday, April 19, 2009

13 Things I Learned in CCT Class

So I've decided to do a new thing here on the blog...every Friday I'm going to write 13 things about whatever comes to mind or whatever anyone mentions to me.

We finally finished the CCT class and I decided to share a few of things I've learned in the 3 weeks, 72hrs of class time, 40hrs clinical time, and 24hrs of ride time that I went through.

1. If you give Cerebyx, Mannitol, or Decadron too fast it makes your taint itch.

2. There is a cranial nerve responsible solely for crossing your eyes.

3. An injury to spinal nerve s2, s3, or s4 can cause anal wink.

4. Yes...Anal funny I had to mention it twice.

5. Chickens have dark and white meat because of myoglobin, the legs need more o2 so they have more myoglobin so are dark meat and the breast have less myoglobin so they are white meat.

6. A ruptured appendix or ectopic pregnancy can cause pain in your shoulder called kehr's sign.

7. The heart likes to repeatedly pound one out....not only when you're pounding one out.

8. If you shit your pants and somehow spread it around at a party you would be best to keep it to yourself. (Special mention to someone from LEASA for that one)

9. Sometimes the most effective tool when sticking an artery is a flashlight.

10. They still make Choco-tacos.

11. One of our prime responsibilites as CCT medics is to rescue patients from the outlying hospitals they come from.

12. They now make blue twizzlers...which are pretty good

13. Indian food and soda does not a happy frank make.

So there you have it...13 random things I learned in CCT class...I'd like to give thanks to spence for helping me remember some of these and a big thanks to chris and jason and the rest of the group from air evac lifeteam for letting me be a part of the was intense but still fun.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hell is Other People

Well this is technically true, in this case its actually hell is working for free….AKA clinicals.

I’m in the CCT class which has gone very well and really fast paced…which I like except for the clinicals.  We have 40hrs to do in the hospital plus 24 hours of ride time on another CCT truck.  That wasn’t bad because I’m used to the shift but being in the hospital just tends to drag on.

Oh well at least it’ll be worth it in the end and I’d much rather work my ass off and stress for 3 weeks rather than work my ass off and stress for 3 months.

But as the song goes…I can’t complain but sometimes I still do.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I don't like holidays anymore.

It's been 4 months since Kim has been gone and I still wait for her to feels just like when she worked in Maryland. I wouldn’t hear from her for a while then out of the blue she’d call or text me to see how i was.  I miss a lot of what we had, not just the good but the bad days.  No one could fight quite like she could, and we could have a knock down drag out argument then go eat dinner.

I know a lot of people saw Kim as a difficult person and trust me she was….but it was the stubbornness that was just as endearing as the fact that she would do anything within her power to help anyone.

I’d been back and forth with this lately.  Some times I would have good days and seemed like things were going better…sometimes things would be bad and I felt like I was dragging a bit…sometimes I think the worlds crushing down upon me and I’m not sure I can I can handle it all, those are the days I just want to retreat back into myself because at least then things can’t get me.

I think this post rambled more than I usually do…but today is a mix between a bad day and a crushing day….I did have some fun in the PICU but mostly because I spent the majority of the day with a 21month old watching buzz lightyear and reading charts….Hard to be in a bad mood when a kid hands you his froggy.

Until next time here’s something to think about,

What’s your most effective coping mechanism…is it failsafe?

New Blog

This is my new blog, I had one at wordpress but I never used it because it was too much of a pain to post to mobile. When I found out blogger lets me post by email from my blackberry I knew immediately that I had to switch over.

Keep an eye on me, i'll post about anything or nothing at the regular schedule of whenever the hell I feel like it but if you'd like notified of when I do post let me know.

Also if there's anything you'd like my opinion on just send me a msg.