Saturday, May 30, 2009

13 Random Facts About Me That You May or May Not Know

So I’m a little slow tonight and I can’t come up with a topic to write about so I thought I’d do something that just came off the top of my head.

1. I don’t like clowns.

2. I play the violin….Not well but I can do it.

3. I can juggle.

4. I always wanted to work in a submarine but I’m too tall for it…not to mention the whole not being in the navy thing.

5. I don’t usually take the same route somewhere more than 3 times in a row.

6. I’m not as crazy as people think I am.

7. I am however just as forgetful as people think I am.

8. Anytime I get a song stuck in my head it will almost drive me crazy.

9. I hate repeating myself.

10. I tend to always wonder if I’ve made the right decision.

11. I’d really like to go to med school but I’m too burnt out on school to go for that long.

12. My pets mean the world to me they are truly part of my family….but I wonder how well the three of them will get along together.

13. I’m an applause whore.


Well there you have it, 13 random things you may or may not have known about me…what is there about you that others might not know?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Killer Bees and Earthmovers…What Do They Have in Common?

The Answer is…..absolutely nothing

Made you look.

Shoppers in a Gamestop in New York got a shock the other day when there was a swarm of bees that were keeping them stuck inside the store for a number of hours there was even a sign posted that said “Look!…Closed due to bee infestation”

So this begs the question exactly what is there in a gamestop that attracts a swarm of bees?  Oily Faces? Lots of computer games? Sno-Caps?  Actually Sno-Caps are pretty awesome I can see why bees would swarm for that, and what held their attention that long especially in Manhattan.  I think we need to study these bees, one to find out their attraction to video games, and two what made them so highly organized…Who’s to say that the bees won’t form some evil coalition and begin renting cars, driving to people’s houses, ringing the doorbells then when they answer begin relentlessly stinging them to death.  Or get a rifle and become bee snipers..then they’d really be killer bees.

And it all started with a video game…lets see the hippies work something with that!

And on to the other strange news in the world, a 3 year old bought an earthmover on an auction site.  A mom in New Zealand(I’m still sticking with I want to go to New Zealand even with something like this…though sounds like what I’d do) had bid on some toys then layed down to take a nap.  While she did her 3 year old got on the computer and was still looking at toys and put a bid in for a digger.  When she got on later she found what she’d bid on and discovered she was in fact now the proud owner of a digger…only instead of a toy digger she got a $12,000 real earthmover…so really still a toy just on a grander scale.

Long story short she called and got it all straightened out…but I had to wonder what is up with kids nowadays.  When I was 3 I was interested in playing with toys and not doing anything constructive..and now a 3 year old can work not only a computer online but function on an auction site?!  You’ve got 8 year olds who can probably hack into NASA and remotely pilot the space shuttle at the same age as I was learning to tie my shoes…its just not right! What are they going to be like later on when they start rebelling…instead of staying out late and the like they’re gonna be programming cyborgs to take over the earth or make cars drive themselves or some crazy shit like that.

I say we take them and take their skills and put it to good use.  Like coming up with new models for space exploration and finding out why my Doritos's are nacho cheesier.

Because seriously…its good but I want to know why there’s got to be a reason behind it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Collateral Damage

I’m sure this one confused some people, those on my facebook and myspace got the same title but in a status….and as I forget people aren’t in my head I didn’t realize that others would think something very bad happened. So my bad for that one, I’m still the normal Frank…Big as life and twice as ugly!

But onto the explanation of me being collateral damage.  Those of you who know Todd know that he’s been in an ongoing war with the universe for quite some time now.  Sometimes he’s ahead, sometimes the universe is ahead but its usually been pretty even overall.  Well lately the universe has been kicking the shit out of todd and just being relentless about it…not sure why its doing that I guess it just got its universal panties in a bunch so to speak.  There was a brief lull in this and then the universe began its assault again. With the stuff from the weekend he’s been pretty sore anyway, well todd’s truck begins acting up the other day as well. That’s where we’re at in his current war with the universe.

Today I’ve learned just how far the universe is willing to go in its war. Today after I am down at epicenter I’m leaving and my transmission begins to go bat shit crazy in my truck, it won’t shift in drive nor will go into gear from park to drive.  I limp it back to st. albans shifting on the column and finally make it back after about an hour and a half of driving and get it parked.  As I was sitting on the porch I had time to reflect and realized that I’d become collateral damage.  In its offensive assault on Todd something must have missed him and gotten me instead. And the truck that hasn’t given me a days trouble, minus some body damage that was my fault(and another story…beware of the yellow poles in the concrete they’re ninja like stealthy and very evil) So now they are striking not only at Todd, but at those around him…this is a new level I’m not sure if they’re trying to draw us into the fight with him or what, I guess that remains to be seen.

Be sure to go check out Todd’s Blog and listen to his latest updates about his personal war with the universe at

If you like mine you’ll like his too…and if you don’t like mine, well first…why are you here reading this in the first place…and second you should still check out his blog you may still like his style.

Be sure to send him a message and tell him Frank sent you…and that he needs to blog more damnit!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Friday 13 – Tuesday Edition

I apologize for the sabbatical, as most of you know its been a hell of a week, wrecked a squad, sore, and so I spent most of the weekend drinking beer and playing with the dog…hell of a recuperation if I do say so myself!  But I’ve not felt much like blogging in the last few days so I’m trying to plunge in feet first to get things moving in the right direction again.

Last week, well week before last, I wrote about 13 people I’d like to meet or hear speak in real life, but then if I had to branch out to all of history who would I include.  So with that in mind, I’m writing the 13 people in the past who I would like to speak to.

1. Mr. Wizard – because by god I think he’d be interesting to talk to.

2. Julius Caesar -

3. Alexander the Great -

4. The Caveman that discovered fire (I shall name him…Ug)

5. Douglas Adams

6. Albert Einstein

7. Winston Churchill

8. Vladimir Lenin – To get the other side of the story

9. Mr. Rogers – To get the parts no one else has heard about.

10. William Wallace -

11. Ernest Hemingway

12. W.C. Fields

13. My Grandfather – My Pap died when I was young and we never really got to talk much anyway but what little we did get to inspired my love for the law, I can only imagine how I would be today if we’d gotten to talk more.

So who would you want to talk to in history?  Everyone has their own groups so who is yours? And why?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Never go Against a Sicilian!

Kuhn and I were talking about a couple books in japanese military tactics today and how they applied to his poker game.  He said that after he read the art of war his poker game increased dramatically.  At first I didn’t get it but as we were talking more it later became clear to  me. He described it as to play poker well you had to be a level 3 thinker.  Level 1 being what do I have, level 2 is what does my opponent have, and level 3 is what does my opponent think I have and so on and so forth.

To be honest I was impressed to learn this.  I had always thought of poker as a complex game but more as a mathematical problem with a little bit of watching a persons response.  To think of the complexity of having to think of what they think you have, as well as what they think you think they have is astounding! and to think of the potential strategies you can use.  Aside from my standard of set the table on fire…I think that one would get moved back to the reserve or last resort section now.

So I was thinking how useful it would be in other facets of life if you read the art of war and the book of five rings.  It’s already taught in most if not all of the us military academies and some business schools even.  But you can really apply it in everyday life.  In everyday work with your co-workers and customers, patients, and in any game from poker to chess to yahtzee.

Ok I’m not sure how you could use it in yahtzee, but there’s probably a way, if not that’s a prime candidate for the set the board on fire approach.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Would go on your Postcard?

I was reading the other day about Frank Warren's address to St. Marys college this weekend at their commencement. For those of you who haven't heard of him he's the creator of Postsecret. And if you've never heard of him chances are you've never heard of Postsecret so we'll start there.

Postsecret is a long term art project wherein people write out or design whatever they want on postcards and send it in to him anonymously. The project is up to almost a thousand pieces of mail a week, spanning a tour 5 books with a 6th one in the works, and numerous speaking engagements(side note, this was one of the ppl I forgot to mention on friday that I'd like to hear speak)Its interesting to think about, what some people reveal with the cover of anonymity, both good and bad.

But I digress.

He vistited the campus the month before and asked each student in the graduating class to write something on a post card, but not his usual secret he asks for, but instead had them write down something that they and they felt the other graduates needed to hear that day.  The results were quite surprising, I’ll share with you some of the most interesting ones here.

Be wise enough not to be reckless, but brave enough to take great risks.

It’s better to be pissed-off than pissed-on.

My friend believes they will change the world, and I believe them.

It’s okay to fail – learn from it and you will succeed.

and one that really rang to me

I know some of us are going to walk off this stage today with no idea about what comes next – embrace it, find something that makes you happy, and follow it wherever it leads.

I know I need to learn to follow that one personally, and I think we all can.

If you’ve never seen it go check out Frank’s project at

and get a book or two of his, he deserves the support he’s doing a great thing.


So if you were in that class what would you have put on your postcard?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sluggy Freelance

I scour the world to see if there’s anything that catches my attention and in the time I’ve found some strange things, but today in talking with Kuhn I remembered a comic I stumbled across last year and now I’m going to have to re-read them because I forgot just how funny they are.

It’s called Sluggy Freelance, its one of the first and longest running comic strips online at over 11 years now. To break it down to its simplest form its about two friends that have a psychotic rabbit that carries a switchblade and hilarity ensues.

That’s the most I can say about it for the rest you just have to check it out.

Go read it here

Let me know what you think.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Blind Leading the Blind Leading the Blind Leading the Blind…..

While I was at work today on the way back to the station we passed a woman with a blind woman who had a seeing eye dog walking down the street….shortly after that we got a call, which we ran, finished at the hospital, and was once again on the way back to the station.  We pass the same spot and across the street we see the same two people!  Not a block away, across the street!!

So I put some thought into this and I think I’ve figured out what could make someone move that slow at the rate of about 20 feet an hour and I think I’ve figured it out.

A blind person is at a slow pace because of the seeing eye dog, so since the seeing eye dog is moving slow that means that it is using a seeing eye Chihuahua .

The Chihuahua has poor eyesight too so its got a seeing eye rat.

The seeing eye rat has a seeing eye bird.

The seeing eye bird had a seeing eye fish. And that’s where the problem lies.

Because a seeing eye fish doesn’t lead very well on land, unless you were carrying it in a bowl and even then it couldn’t signal very well. 

Not to mention that its common knowledge that fish don’t make decisions by themselves well so it would of course be a committee decision…and it would likely be betta fish so they would just fight when they got together in a group…much like a real committee now that I think about it.  So everything slows to a crawl and it leads to the person screaming along the road like a herd of turtles at the top speed of 20 feet an hour.

So there you have it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

13 Living People I’d like to Meet and/or Hear Speak.

Todd and I were talking the other day and we were discussing people we’d like to see speak in person one day, and it gave me the idea for this weeks Friday 13 as well as I’m curious to find out who you would like to meet.

1. Stephen Hawking

2. Steve Jobs

3. Kevin Smith

4. Bill Nye: Because Mr. Wizard is dead…thanks to Kasey for pointing out my failures

5. Pauley Perrette

6. Bill Clinton

7. Donald Trump

8. Robin Williams

9. Steven King

10. Stephen Spielburg

11. George Lucas

12. Dalai Lama

13. Dr. Jack Kevorkian

I’ve also included some alternates because you never know what can happen tomorrow

1. Pope Benedict XVI aka…the nazi pope

2. Nelson Mandella

3. Charlie Manson

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger

5. Fidel Castro…probably outta bump this one up in the list not sure how long till he gets moved to next week.


Now its your turn….Who would you like to meet?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sometimes it Requires a Horny Manatee

Short one today….I’m tired.

We didn’t sleep much last night at work and as such I go crazier than usual.  Todd and I were talking about random things and the site popped into my head.  I don’t know how many of you have ever heard of it but its an interesting story.

In 2006 Conan O’Brian was joking about the manatee mascot for the show and that it had a webcam site called…you guessed it…  Well NBC’s standards and practices, worried that as this was an unregistered site, someone would purchase it and put something in poor taste on it(though I’ve no idea why with a name like horny manatee) and it would reflect on NBC since people would associate it.  So they purchased the address for 10 years, and then Conan decided to put a real site on it!

So if you get a few minutes check out its definitely worth a laugh!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Penguathelon and Other Oddities in the Universe.


Today has been a day of reading strange events; Some of which are funny, some of which are not funny, some of which are downright  scary. 

We’ll start with the funny, and I can shorten this entire paragraph to two words: New Zealand.  There are many reasons why I want to visit New Zealand. It’s been described as the most beautiful place on Earth, though in the immortal words of Lewis Black, after you spend 23hrs on an airplane, any land mass is beautiful.  And I think the people of the country would be interesting too as most of them strike me as insane.  Proving this fact is that this month is the first annual Penguathelon.  Essentially its described as a penguin olympics including frisbee, surfing, and waddle races, in addition to people being invited to participate in these events while wearing penguin feet themselves.  It’s described as a interesting way for the public to get up close with them while understanding more about penguin welfare.  I am, however, at a loss to under how watching a penguin throw a frisbee accomplishes this.

On the not funny side, you may have seen that McDonald’s restaurant recently began offering free wi-fi in their restaurants in an attempt to increase their business.  This has worked a little too well, it has increased the amount of traffic inside their restuarants, but now they’ve found that people are hanging around too damned long afterwards. The average person is there for 30min where it used to be only 10.  This has begun a small war against the internet squatters and they’ve begun corralling them in certain areas, to limiting the amount of time they sit there, to playing god-awful music over the loudspeaker, which is like killing a mouse with a rifle….which my dad once did when I was a child….but thats another story for another day.

And onto the downright scary side.  There’s a cemetery in Imperial County, California (anyone ever notice that all these strange things seem to come from california? It’s not just the cheese outta the state) that is currently in foreclosure.  This is scary to me on many levels.  For one, how the hell does a cemetery go into foreclosure!?  I thought they had a financial base for these places to prevent this kind of thing from happening.  And for second….If they get foreclosed on and someone else purchases them, do they kick out the ‘residents?’

What do you all think about these things?

Monday, May 11, 2009

When Pigs Fly

I couldn’t resist, that title is just too funny for this blog.

You had better watch out if you’re near Palm Bay, Fl.  If you think running from the cops will get you free then you’d better look twice.  When most people think of flying police the first things that come to mind is in a helicopter, or maybe a cop that decided to earn some extra money as a man shot out of a canon.  What you don’t think of is paragliding.  The city is in a rural area without many roads which of course makes it difficult to get anywhere quickly, and helicopters are not very cost effective to operate especially on the scale required. So the forward thinking chief decided to invest in paragliders.  They cost only about $10,000 a person including equipment and training, and costs over time would not be too bad I’d imagine.  The real question would be how cool would your job be to be a paraglider cop!  Not to mention how odd would it be to call the police and look outside and see one of these come up to you.

I for one think its a good idea, not just for police work but it could be adapted for searches for missing people, securing an area like a wide patrol, and I’m sure there’s a way this could be adapted for tactical response.  Not to mention a rapid response for medical personnel in the same token.  If it takes a cop 45 minutes to get somewhere then it would also take 45 minutes for a medic.  And if someone decides to jump on this idea I’ll go there and be the first one to sign up for it!


On a sad but still quite interesting note, Martha Mason of North Carolina died last week.  I’m quite certain you’ve never heard of her but her story is really quite astounding.  Martha was the longest recorded person to survive on an iron lung.  To geek out for just a minute; an iron lung is a non-invasive negative pressure ventilator.  In layman’s terms its a giant tube thats sealed everywhere but the head, the pressure in it lowers under the pressure in the lungs causing the person to breathe in, and then raises the pressure causing the person to breath out.  It gained fame for treatment of polio patients who were left with their diaphragms paralyzed.  It also had the advantage of being very easy to operate for the normal person so a patient could live at home, and being non-invasive it prevented infection like you get from a trach or intubation. 

Long winded explanation I know I kinda ran off with it.  Nevertheless it was an interesting case, Martha could run her own household with only two assistants and even graduated high school and college!

Imagine what your life would be like if you were restrained to a big metal tube for your entire life, would you be able to stay as upbeat as she did?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Salute to the hardest working people in the world.

By this I, of course, mean all the mothers out there.  It’s a job so difficult and so important that it has its own day to celebrate them.  You’ve got President’s Day(I guess one could say they’ve got a difficult job but nothing compared to moms), Christmas(I think everyone can say he had a hard run too), and Mother’s Day.  And in my opinion they’ve got the hardest job around.

My mom has been there for me my entire life and has taught me a lot of the things I know, not to mention putting up with things that Kim and me both got into.  She put up with me turning my hands dark blue for days with a chemistry set, blowing up the toaster, when Kim and me were horseplaying and got a big hole in the wall…actually I think that one happened a few times.  She helped me when I was sick all my life and took care of me, even when I was stuck at home and couldn’t do much while I recovered from surgery and when I had the ocular funk she would come down all the time to check on me and bring me things because I wasn’t able to go outside.  That’s just a short amount of the things that she helped me with, if I were to go through the entire list I’d be writing for weeks.

I’ll never be able to repay her for all the things that she’s done for me, the most I can do is hope to one day have as much of an impact on my future children as she has had on me.

So for all of you make sure to hug your mom today, they do more for you than you’d ever imagine.

And Mom….thanks, I don’t know where I would be without you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Houdini Dog Strikes Again

I didn’t get a chance to write about this yesterday as I had the Friday 13 blog to work with and didn’t have the time to write a 2nd piece.

Most of you know about my dog Riley. He’s a german shepherd/lab mix that is pretty well mannered if not a bit jumpy, but very intelligent. There are days I think that he’s smarter than me!  I’ve told the story before of how he escaped from his smaller cage once and I thought it may have been a stroke of luck but wasn’t sure.  However yesterday I confirmed it…

I have a houdini dog.

I'm getting back to the house yesterday and as I pull up all the dogs are out running around and I see Riley running around the car so I’m confused as I put him in the cage myself.  I walk around to the garage and I find the front door folded down inside and about that time Riley comes back in and looks at me.

You may be thinking whats so impressive so I’ll explain. In order to get through this cage you had to release two snaps on the top of the door by pushing up on the top of the cage while pulling on the door.  To further complicate this the snaps were also on the side and you have to manipulate the cage around these hooks as well.  Once you get all of these off then its a fold down cage. So you have to pull the front door in and fold it down which leaves less than a foot inside.  So somehow Riley unlocked the top, unlocked the side, pull the door in, and get away while the door comes in and then get out.  I think I’m going to put a webcam on there and figure out how he’s getting out. To try to keep him inside though we used bailing wire to wrap around the snaps on the cage.

If he gets out again we’re going on the road with a straight jacket and a water tank.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

13 Things I will Do Before I Die

I was flipping through the channels the other day and stumbled on the across it just as The Bucket List is coming on.  I had seen it before last year and it’s a really good movie but has some morbid overtones and a bit of a sad ending but even with all that is still a great movie.  The basic premise of the movie is two men find out they have brain cancer and get an idea to complete a bucket list, essentially a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket. 

So it g0t me thinking, with what happened to Kim it made me realize that this life is a lot shorter than any of us would like to believe, and we have to learn that we have to stop worrying about being alive, and start to go out and live.  So…this weeks Friday 13 I decided to write 13 things that I will do before I die.  I challenge all of you who read this to comment with your own list of things that you will do before you die.  I want you to put your list in the comments of here and maybe we’ll all get some new ideas.

Besides…it never hurts to think about tomorrow today, because you never know just how many more tomorrows you have left.

1. Go Skydiving

2. Learn to play the bagpipes

3. See the Aurora Borealis

4. Go to Oktoberfest in Munich

5. Visit the Vatican

6. Write a Book

7. Learn Sign Language

8. Learn to sail a boat

9. See the Earth from space

10. Go diving with sharks

11. Ride to the Grand Canyon

12. See Ireland and visit the land of my ancestors.

13. Be someone’s mentor

Well there you have it, I’ll add to this list from time to time as I have a lot more things I want to do, this was just a random pick of some of them.

Here’s your turn, every person who reads this, I want you to add in the comments section 10 things from your personal bucket list.  And if you don’t have one or have never thought about it, now is the time to start.

Don’t forget, the purpose of making this list is so you can cross things off so you should make an effort in your life to do these things so once you’ve made your list you can start crossing them off!

Sequestered Swine and Soiled Carpets

Its almost 3am, I’m at work, exhausted, but can’t sleep.  I’m also watching a movie called Twilight, not the vampire one.  This one I guess is a bad detective book that was made into a bad detective movie. It’s got a great cast in it but they all seem to have blown it with this one.  I’m stuck watching it out of curiosity to see if it can get any better. It sure as hell can’t get any worse!

But I digress….so on to the blog that I’d been writing today before I got interrupted by sick people.

Chalk another one to swine flu frenzy, which I have come to believe is far more infectious than the swine flu itself.

According to my memory, a little over 1,000 people People in Afghanistan are so concerned about the swine flu and the possibility of them catching it that they have taken measures and quarantined their pig, they’ve even built a special room in which to house it!

I’ll give you a moment to let that one sink in and see if you caught it.

That’s right, they’re only pig.  The Kabul Zoo is home to the only pig in Afghanistan, it has very little contact with humans as for members of Islam you can not touch or eat  pork, so mostly it walks around in its pen and is stared at by the passing masses who, I can only assume, none of which have been to Mexico in their entire lives.  But these people are terrified that the ungodly pig, in its perpetual solitary existence, will somehow develop, mutate, and transfer the swine flu to them.

I’m not sure how long this will go on, at the rate that information seems to reach the public the pig may die of old age first.


Now onto a side question.  I saw a commercial a few min ago for a vacuum cleaner that has all these fancy gadgets….but the one that really stuck out in my head is there is a light that turns on on the top of the vacuum that tells you when your carpet is clean.  The question is, do you really need an indicator light to tell you that your carpet is clean??  I mean the only way you couldn’t tell would be if you were blind, in which case an indicator light wouldn’t be very effective.

On a better day I would be able to come up with something tosay about that…but I’m not that fucking funny.  Maybe tomorrow will bring something in which case I’ll post about it.


Oh back to the movie part….I just want to tell everyone that I was wrong….

It did get worse.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Serial Novels, Not to be Confused with Serial Killers

Which are entirely different.

Serial novels are a novel that has is published one page or one section a day or some time frame.  Its a very intriguing method to publish something and I hope it becomes a more used system.  The two books I’ve seen published this way are Machine Man and Dracula; I’ll explain them in more detail below.

Machine Man can best be summed up in the following excerpt, page 1 in fact.  It also holds the Frank award for most entertaining intro and the reason that I suffer through the page a day publishing schedule.

“One Tuesday afternoon my left leg was severed. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Well, it was. It was agonizing. There was a lot of screaming and flopping around and trying to tear my shirt into pieces to stem the bleeding. While I was busy with this, my co-workers stared through two-inch polycarbonate security glass and beat on the door. They couldn’t get in. It was sealed for their safety. I had to apply my own tourniquet and try not to pass out for eight minutes. While I lay there, waiting for the time-release, I could see the top of what used to be my leg poking out from between two thick slabs of steel, gently dripping blood to the floor. I felt sorry for it. My leg hadn’t asked for this. It had been a good leg. A faithful leg. And now look at it.

But in the weeks afterward, as I lay in my hospital bed, I came to see the bright side. I remembered that expression: A setback is just an opportunity in disguise. I decided that was true. Because while I was sad to lose my leg, now I could build a better one.”

The only thing I have to say is damn! Is that not the most awesome opening page you’ve ever read!

While Machine Man is a new novel for a new world, being fed a story a piece at a time leaving you wanting more, Dracula is a timeless classic being adapted to a new vehicle.

In case you’ve lived under a fucking rock your entire life, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, written by Bram Stoker (I couldn’t help myself) is the story of a man who has a personal encounter with Count Dracula himself. I’m sure I could have come up with another way to write that….but I’m not that creative so don’t judge me. It’s written in the format of a series of journal articles and letters written by several different narrators throughout the story. The first entry in the book is that of May 3, which just so happened to have been yesterday. I would have written about this then but I stumbled across it this morning in my perusal of my news feeds while I’m at work. The author of the blog is posting the book in realtime. Meaning that when things were written in the book, so they are posted online. Its only 2 postings into it so far and I’m already hooked, I’d suggest you all check it out. I’ll include links to both of these at the end of the posting, as well as rss feeds you can copy and paste into your newsreader.

Machine man you can find the site at

And the rss feed is

For Dracula the site is

And the rss feed for it is

So what are some books that you would like to see given out in serial format? I’d be partial to something like fight club or shogun, but they abandon the date format through most of the story so it wouldn’t work.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

And Now a Word From our Sponsors

Well not really, but I’m having some trouble today getting my brains gears moving properly so I thought I’d take the chance to write about some things that have grabbed my attention lately.

1. Twitter – This is a microblogging platform because the universe really hasn’t heard enough of my ideas on here so they should get the random ideas that cross my little brain as well. Follow me at

2. Tweetdeck – Continuing along this line is tweetdeck.  Its a twitter client for the computer that gives you basically sensory overload if you can’t handle multiple streams coming at you. But if you can its a great system especially if you keep up with a lot of people on twitter. Go check it out at

3. Otterbox Defender Case – This is the most awesome case in the world, I think it protects the phone just by the force of its own awesomeness but the case itself is a good cover, most people wouldn’t buy awesomeness in a box, unless it controlled your mind by some sort of awesomeness telepathy. However you can get them on ebay for far cheaper.

4. Awesomeness – The word just came back to mind so I figured how many times I could use it in the last section.

5. Google Latitude – This is something some of us at work have been playing with lately and it’s pretty cool. Its basically friend lojack. Its tied into both google maps and igoogle on the website.  You set it up with your friends and it will tie them into google maps and show you where they are.  You have to have a gmail account so you all should go sign up for one and add me on there, user name kfdfiremedic70

Side note – If you have an iphone you’ve gotta wait a while for it to come out for you.

6. Youmail – Many of you have called me and, as I never answer my phone when any of you call, have heard the voicemail system I have now that calls you by name. Its called youmail and its a great system. They have their own application as well for teh blackberry but I prefer the program vymail. Its independently created and a far better program.

Go check out youmail at

And Vymail at

7. Shock Top Beer – Its a good competition for Blue Moon and produced by Anheuser Busch as well. Its best description is an unfiltered beer so it has the cloudy look about it but an excellent taste, especially with a twist of orange.

Check it out at Outback in Barboursville, be sure to ask for it!


Well thats all I’ve got for now, What are some of the best new products you have found lately?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

13 Things I Hate for no Good Reason

1. When my phone rings and I can’t remember who’s number it is.

2. alcohol free beer

3. The Pontiac Aztec

4. Zamfir, Master of the Pan Flute

5. The Craig Ferguson Show

6. Billy Mays

7. Earwax

8. The letter Y

9. Spiders

10. Red Apples

11. The fact that there are no B batteries

12. Mother Nature being a cock tease

13. Taking Vacations