Sunday, April 19, 2009

13 Things I Learned in CCT Class

So I've decided to do a new thing here on the blog...every Friday I'm going to write 13 things about whatever comes to mind or whatever anyone mentions to me.

We finally finished the CCT class and I decided to share a few of things I've learned in the 3 weeks, 72hrs of class time, 40hrs clinical time, and 24hrs of ride time that I went through.

1. If you give Cerebyx, Mannitol, or Decadron too fast it makes your taint itch.

2. There is a cranial nerve responsible solely for crossing your eyes.

3. An injury to spinal nerve s2, s3, or s4 can cause anal wink.

4. Yes...Anal funny I had to mention it twice.

5. Chickens have dark and white meat because of myoglobin, the legs need more o2 so they have more myoglobin so are dark meat and the breast have less myoglobin so they are white meat.

6. A ruptured appendix or ectopic pregnancy can cause pain in your shoulder called kehr's sign.

7. The heart likes to repeatedly pound one out....not only when you're pounding one out.

8. If you shit your pants and somehow spread it around at a party you would be best to keep it to yourself. (Special mention to someone from LEASA for that one)

9. Sometimes the most effective tool when sticking an artery is a flashlight.

10. They still make Choco-tacos.

11. One of our prime responsibilites as CCT medics is to rescue patients from the outlying hospitals they come from.

12. They now make blue twizzlers...which are pretty good

13. Indian food and soda does not a happy frank make.

So there you have it...13 random things I learned in CCT class...I'd like to give thanks to spence for helping me remember some of these and a big thanks to chris and jason and the rest of the group from air evac lifeteam for letting me be a part of the was intense but still fun.

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