Its almost 3am, I’m at work, exhausted, but can’t sleep. I’m also watching a movie called Twilight, not the vampire one. This one I guess is a bad detective book that was made into a bad detective movie. It’s got a great cast in it but they all seem to have blown it with this one. I’m stuck watching it out of curiosity to see if it can get any better. It sure as hell can’t get any worse!
But I digress….so on to the blog that I’d been writing today before I got interrupted by sick people.
Chalk another one to swine flu frenzy, which I have come to believe is far more infectious than the swine flu itself.
According to my memory, a little over 1,000 people People in Afghanistan are so concerned about the swine flu and the possibility of them catching it that they have taken measures and quarantined their pig, they’ve even built a special room in which to house it!
I’ll give you a moment to let that one sink in and see if you caught it.
That’s right, they’re only pig. The Kabul Zoo is home to the only pig in Afghanistan, it has very little contact with humans as for members of Islam you can not touch or eat pork, so mostly it walks around in its pen and is stared at by the passing masses who, I can only assume, none of which have been to Mexico in their entire lives. But these people are terrified that the ungodly pig, in its perpetual solitary existence, will somehow develop, mutate, and transfer the swine flu to them.
I’m not sure how long this will go on, at the rate that information seems to reach the public the pig may die of old age first.
Now onto a side question. I saw a commercial a few min ago for a vacuum cleaner that has all these fancy gadgets….but the one that really stuck out in my head is there is a light that turns on on the top of the vacuum that tells you when your carpet is clean. The question is, do you really need an indicator light to tell you that your carpet is clean?? I mean the only way you couldn’t tell would be if you were blind, in which case an indicator light wouldn’t be very effective.
On a better day I would be able to come up with something tosay about that…but I’m not that fucking funny. Maybe tomorrow will bring something in which case I’ll post about it.
Oh back to the movie part….I just want to tell everyone that I was wrong….
It did get worse.